My dear friends and readers,
Yes, I am entering the world of blogging. Quite ironic I know, since anyone who knows me well would never expect me to voluntarily spend time on a computer. So why am I doing it?
I am following a dream I’ve had for a long time. I am actually going to try and publish my very own book! And if it all works out, a book series!
I wrote this story using characters, that I could see myself illustrating. I based the story in a forest, since I love drawing trees and anything else you might find in a forest.
I am very proud and excited to announce that the story is written and basically finished. At the moment I am handing it around for proofreading.
My awesome husband has shown me how to use a computer program that makes it easier to finish and detail the illustrations better.
My evenings are spent with playing around on the computer creating the pictures for the book. I often realize I am missing something small or would like to add something else into the picture. Then I move to my desk and draw up a new item.
Stay tuned for some more posts on how I am creating the illustrations.
I hope I can encourage some of you to do the same as I am doing – tackle your dream to make it happen!